Autobiographical Documentary on Contours of Late-Diagnosis Autism

Based in Boulder, CO, Scott Klumb guides SMK Media and provides outdoor sports-focused film production services, as well as documentary work, in Colorado and beyond. Among his creative endeavors in 2021 has been the feature length documentary “Autism: One Man’s Journey.” This highly personal work serves as a memoir, as it centers on the diagnosis of autism Scott Klumb received at age 23.
Late-diagnosis of autism is a relatively neglected area that has not been extensively researched. One issue is that two decades ago cases of autism were not as well documented as they are today. Misdiagnoses were rampant, and many cases didn’t receive any type of diagnosis at all. Compounding the issue, today’s autism testing is designed for children and is not well adapted to adults and their experiences. Essentially, those who receive a diagnosis of autism later in life must play catch-up in systematically working through its challenges and symptoms.
Autism: One Man’s Journey represents a significant step forward in bringing awareness to viewers of the contours of living with undiagnosed autism for much of one’s life. It confronts a range of challenging emotions and situations head on, and realistically portrays the power of perseverance in working through these issues and building a meaningful personal and professional life.